Rainy Yucky Day
I don't think it could possibly be any more miserable outside today. It's COLD and rainy. Very rainy. I should mention that yesterday morning, the temperature was 7o°. Today, it is currently 35°. There are ice pebbles on my car. The stream in the back yard is a raging white water river. We're in a flood watch. Miserable. Spring came in and then apparently decided to reconsider.
On top of the miserable weather, I'm not feeling great either. I think I have a little spring cold. Coughing, runny nose, icky.
Fortunately, I don't have to be anywhere until my show tonight. So I spent the day watching movies and knitting. Always a good combination.
My knitting ADD is rearing it's ugly head again. I have way too many projects on the needles.

Second Monkey Sock
So close to finishing. And yet, I'm stalled.

Second Anemoi Mitten
Gotta say, the rediculously warm spring weather we had been having made me less inclined to work on mittens. But I do love them and want to finish them!

I have become disenchanted with this. I just don't like it. I'm not sure if I'll rip it or what, so for now it just languishes on the needles.

The above is a baby hat for Jolene's collection. I hate it and will rip it and start over.
So, with all these projects going.... What is this???

That my friends, is the back of the Cardigan for Arwen.
I've been thinking about this pattern for a long time so I finally decided to cast on. I started it on Wednesday, March 14. (Actually, I really started it on Monday, March 12 - but there was a horrible accident involving me being completely stupid, so I had to rip and start over.) I'm pretty pleased with my progress so far, though the endless stockinette is fairly mind numbing. I'm looking forward to starting the front so there will be cables to keep me interested. I really really want to finish this. I hope I can stay focused and interested. Begone knitting ADD!
I know I am a little late with this, but I wanted to give big congratulations to our pal Eunny. I am so excited for her and for all of us knitters who will benefit from this amazing news!
Hooray for you friend!
I don't think it could possibly be any more miserable outside today. It's COLD and rainy. Very rainy. I should mention that yesterday morning, the temperature was 7o°. Today, it is currently 35°. There are ice pebbles on my car. The stream in the back yard is a raging white water river. We're in a flood watch. Miserable. Spring came in and then apparently decided to reconsider.
On top of the miserable weather, I'm not feeling great either. I think I have a little spring cold. Coughing, runny nose, icky.
Fortunately, I don't have to be anywhere until my show tonight. So I spent the day watching movies and knitting. Always a good combination.
My knitting ADD is rearing it's ugly head again. I have way too many projects on the needles.

Second Monkey Sock
So close to finishing. And yet, I'm stalled.

Second Anemoi Mitten
Gotta say, the rediculously warm spring weather we had been having made me less inclined to work on mittens. But I do love them and want to finish them!

I have become disenchanted with this. I just don't like it. I'm not sure if I'll rip it or what, so for now it just languishes on the needles.

The above is a baby hat for Jolene's collection. I hate it and will rip it and start over.
So, with all these projects going.... What is this???

That my friends, is the back of the Cardigan for Arwen.
I've been thinking about this pattern for a long time so I finally decided to cast on. I started it on Wednesday, March 14. (Actually, I really started it on Monday, March 12 - but there was a horrible accident involving me being completely stupid, so I had to rip and start over.) I'm pretty pleased with my progress so far, though the endless stockinette is fairly mind numbing. I'm looking forward to starting the front so there will be cables to keep me interested. I really really want to finish this. I hope I can stay focused and interested. Begone knitting ADD!
I know I am a little late with this, but I wanted to give big congratulations to our pal Eunny. I am so excited for her and for all of us knitters who will benefit from this amazing news!
Hooray for you friend!
Labels: arwen, knitting, knitting ADD, yucky day
at least it's raining there - we had 70 degrees, and now there is 6" of snow on the ground with no end in sight!!!
lots of good projects to pick from! at least you can do a little bit of Arwen then move to something else when it gets too boring. I love the Monkey sock!
What did you do to poor Arwen?
It's yucky out.
Fix it, please.
Love the color of the yarn you are using on the Monkey socks! What yarn is it??
Ugh, I hope you don't have the plague that the kids here are passing around to each other!
I love the color for Arwen! So pretty!
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